Wednesday, August 1, 2012

20 things : August

1. Whoa there, my phone says we're in August now.
2. Probably my least favorite month after February.
3. A few years ago I had shingles. For the second time. In August. 
4. Was so good and didn't scratch.
5. I wanted to weep with rage and all that pent up scratching.
6. It felt like rage anyway.
7. So instead while you were skipping work I retrieved my fleet of water canons from above your house.
8. A tractor beam towed them back to my place via hovercraft.
9. I used them to power-wash my deck. 
10. Decks. I have three of them. 
11. No, four. Four porches, each with a deck slowly decrepitating. 
12. Four too many. I would rather live in an apartment that was not hood-adjacent.
13. I straightened lengths of twinkly lights so they lay over the ornamental posts.
14. Then I turned off the water canons via remote control.
15. Then I knelt on my favorite one, the one among the treetops.
16. Everything was wetly gleaming. 
17. It was hot like fucking HOT and a haze shimmered up from the floor and all around me.
18. No stain, no stray leaf had survived.
19. But I knelt and added (was adding) DNA, fibers, smudges from my naked sores.
20. Even after the last taste of serenity of hazemouth I wouldn't keep it shut at the confessional.

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