Wednesday, February 29, 2012

jeff noon

So I was gazing idly at my bookshelf the other day, wondering what happened to this amazing magic-realist-scifi(?) author, from whom I've read Vurt and Pollen. But then he fell off my radar. So I looked him up and found his website: Metamorphiction. There are boundless goodies within, but my favorite was  this article "The Ghost on the B-Side: Remixing Narrative," in which he claims to take techniques used when mixing dub-step and apply them to the craft of fiction. Now, his fiction is quite lyrical, so this technique works for poets too. If you like creating odd juxtapositions of language (and I do) and you have some drafts hanging out that are behaving more like day-old coffee cake than the sweet tartlets you know they could be, perhaps his technique can kick start a revision. I've tried it with only one poem of mine so far, "Full-Blown Sugar," as yet unpublished... it's in the mail!

Have to sign off now because the cats are wreaking havoc on this warm rainy day. It's like they know it's almost spring or something. They are positively deviling my morning. Slam-crash-thumpythumpythumpy. I thought perhaps a generous infusion of catnip and "new" (marinated and then re-introduced) toys would let them let me write. I thought they might go crash around upstairs, but instead they're crashing around near the irreplaceables.

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