Saturday, March 17, 2012

Holy crap; I won last week's Trifecta challenge

... with that poem about the guy in the quarry with the accordion. Based on a true story :)

Anyway, this week has been such a whirl, first with fulfilling all the things I had scheduled (which has been so much fun and so rewarding; thank you friends and workshoppers) and secondly getting ready for Vegas. We leave tonight. So exciting. I am ridiculously looking forward to this vacation.

Unfortunately, yesterday Mike had a big gall bladder flare-up, so much so that one of the options on the table is having it removed at some point soonish, and I hope he will be okay for the trip. I know how it is to feel wretched and miserable on a trip because of some health thing that has cropped up, so I'm hoping the 24 hours with bananas/rice/applesauce/toast will calm it down to the point of "okay."

Yesterday I took some spring dresses out of the attic. It seems like it will actually be warmer in Pittsburgh on some of our "away" days than in Vegas --they are having a brief cool spell that includes some rain even.

I probably won't be online much this coming week. Which in a way I will miss but also I need to get away from it for just a few days. Kind of how I feel about the cats too. On Friday, because I was not around much M-Th, they were totally up in my grill. This is difficult when trying to give oneself a pedicure.

Just the thought of wearing those spring dresses as opposed to all my heavy winter sweaters/skirts makes me feel lighter in the mind.


  1. Congrats on your win on the last challenge...well deserved.

    I had to laugh at the cats and the pedicure. I have 3 and there's nothing attractive about furry toenails!

  2. Of course you won. You're Jill to the m-f'in Khoury for catness sake.
